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About Me

Hi! I’m Lynn, the founder of Treasures in Heaven. When I was born, my dad was in school to become a pastor. So, I heard about and believed in Jesus at a very young age. I have followed Him ever since. That’s not to say I’ve always been faithful, but thankfully, God has.

My Life as a Believer Has Had Its Ups and Downs

I would say I was somewhat sheltered growing up, knowing that evil existed but not really in touch with it. Other than being painfully shy, I had a happy childhood.

I was in church every Thursday for Pioneer Girls and on Sunday, I went to Sunday School and morning service in the a.m. and choir, youth group, and evening service in the evening. I learned all the Bible stories and memorized hundreds of verses, many of which I still remember today.

I still occasionally like to sing the songs I learned in Sunday School and high school youth group. It’s safe to say, it was the only life I knew. I went to a Christian college and after graduation got married. Life was good.

However, what I was lacking was a relationship with God. I knew all about Him, but I didn’t know Him. And I didn’t really know what difference it made that He loved me. I felt like I was missing something, but I didn’t know what.

Over the next thirty years, my husband and I raised four children, and I struggled with depression for much of that time. But I don’t regret it now because it was what led me to know the Lord and experience His love (which makes all the difference, by the way).

My adult journey with the Lord has been one of many ups and downs, but He has never abandoned me. Sometimes I am still amazed at His absolute faithfulness.

Somewhere along the line, God gave me a love for researching and writing, and a desire to share what I learn with others.

Recently, I became interested and even passionate about what it means to live for eternity; to store up treasures in heaven. It has to do with how we live now; how we respond to others and the things going on around us. And it has to do with faith and obedience.

I Am On a Mission for Treasure…and I Want to Include You

I am on a mission to understand what it means to store up treasures in heaven and I want to share what I learn with you, the reader. That’s why I am so excited about this website.

The Bible has much to say about almost everything. In the past, when I was raising kids, working, or struggling with depression, I didn’t take the time to study the Bible. I was either exhausted or busy.

Now that I’m retired, and God has removed the worst of the depression and replaced it with a passion for Him, I want to glorify and live for Him in ways I didn’t comprehend before. And the best way I know to do that is to use the gifts He has given me to serve Him.

I hope you will go on this journey with me to discover all that God has to say about storing up treasures in heaven by living for Him now.

I will talk about what’s going on in the world and how it connects to the Bible and believers, as well as the many things Scripture says about eternal rewards and living for Him.

It will be personal and Biblical and hopefully, helpful to you, my readers. You are why I am doing this.

My Goal is to Help You Know How to Live For Eternity

I truly want as many believers as possible to understand what it means to:

  • Live for eternity
  • Store up treasures in heaven
  • See things from a biblical viewpoint
  • Respond to what is going on in the world without fear
  • Get excited about eternal rewards
  • Understand our future as believers
  • Know what living as if “this world is not your home” will look like for you

I hope non-believers will visit my site too because you are also on my heart and mind. For you, my goal is to help you see that there is a spiritual realm that is every bit as real as the natural realm.  

God is real. He created the world and He made you. Satan is also real and he is the reason sin came into the world. Sin is real but I’m sure you can agree with that. 

The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. In other words, our sin separates us from God, who is perfect and holy. So, God’s solution was to send His Son, Jesus to the earth to become a man. He lived a sinless life, shed His blood (on a cross) to pay for our sins because that is what was required.

Our part is to believe it. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). The reward for believing in what Jesus did is eternal life after you die, and the Holy Spirit now to help you live a life that pleases God. Jesus is the bridge that gets us to God. 

Of course, there is so much more for the believer, and you will spend your life learning from His Word, the Bible, and other believers.

If you have any questions or thoughts about what I wrote, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.    



Treasures in Heaven – By living for the Lord now (storeyourtreasuresinheaven.com)

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