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Who In The Bible Experienced Anxiety? – What We Can Learn From Them

Anxiety in a person’s heart weighs it down…Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety is a reaction to the emotion of fear. It isn’t necessarily a sin but can become one when we choose not to trust God. The Bible tells us not to be anxious about anything (Phil 4:6) but also to cast our anxieties on Him (1 … Read more

What Does God Say About Anxiety?

Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 When talking about anxiety in the Bible, you might find words like “worry,” “concern,” or “cares” instead. They all have the same idea. Anxiety is so common in our world today. Really, it’s been around since Adam sinned, and sin entered the … Read more

What Does “When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong” Mean? – 2 Corinthians 12:10

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.2 Corinthians 12:10 Saying, “For when I am weak, then I am strong,” seems contradictory. How can you be both weak and strong at the same time? Right before … Read more

What Are Some Characteristics Of False Teachers? – 2 Peter 2:1-3

Even as there will be false teachers among you,who will bring in destructive heresies…2 Peter 2:1b What do you know about false teachers? Scripture talks quite a bit about them, so as believers, we do well to know what the Bible tells us about these deceptive teachers. You might think it would be easy to … Read more

How Do You Watch Out That No One Deceives You? – Matthew 24:4

Jesus answered, “Watch out that no one deceives you.”Matthew 24:4 Why do we need to watch out that no one deceives us? Because we are in a battle, and our enemy uses every opportunity to trick us so that we give in to temptation. Our enemy is the devil, and he uses the world and … Read more

Is It Biblical To Ask For The Fire Of God To Fall On You? – Part 2

For our God is a consuming fire.Hebrews 12:29 In Part 1, we examined several Scriptures about God’s fire and focused on what others thought about asking it to fall on them. Some were for it, and others against it. I shared my limited experience singing the songs that asked for the fire to fall and … Read more

Elijah Part 12 – How Did Elijah Depart And Elisha Become Prophet?

The time had come for the Lord to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind.2 Kings 2:1a In Part 11, Elijah had his last assignment from God. He confronted Ahaziah, Israel’s newest king. Ahaziah dared to send messengers to inquire of the false god of Ekron, Baal-zebub. So, God again demonstrated His sovereign rule … Read more

Elijah Part 11 – Why Does Elijah Confront Ahaziah, Israel’s New King?

Ahab rested with his ancestors, and his son Ahaziah became king in his place.1 Kings 22:40 The last we hear of Elijah is when he finds King Ahab and tells him what God intends to do to him and his family because he has sold himself to do what is evil in the Lord‘s sight. … Read more

Is It Biblical To Ask For The Fire Of God To Fall On You? – Part 1

For our God is a consuming fire.Hebrews 12:29 Music is often an emotional experience. So when we sing and ask for the fire of God to fall on us, we may or may not understand what we are asking. In the song, Do What You Want To, we sing, “All-consuming fire fall, fall on us.” … Read more

Elijah Part 10 – Why Does Elijah Confront Ahab About Naboth’s Vineyard?

Get up and go to King Ahab of Israel, who is in Samaria. He’s in Naboth’s vineyard…I Kings 21:18 In Part 9, Elijah anointed Elisha, and Elisha is now following him. Some time passes, when the Lord comes to Elijah, wanting him to confront Ahab about Naboth’s Vineyard. It’s unclear where Elisha is. Maybe he … Read more