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What Is Truth and Can It Be Known?

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32

Today, you will find many people who no longer believe in absolute truth.

Of course, most aren’t talking about the truth that can be seen.

For example, if you are getting ready to cross a street, you will only cross if no cars are coming. You understand you will be hit if you walk in front of a moving vehicle.

If I tell you I am wearing a ring and you see that I am indeed wearing a ring, you know it is true.

Or, as you are leaving the grocery store, you find your vehicle. Out of all the vehicles in the parking lot, only one of the cars belongs to you. Most would agree it is absolutely true that your car belongs to you.

Two Kinds of Truth

As I said, objective, absolute truth is in question in the modern world. The world agrees, though, on two kinds of truth:

1) Truth that is determined by your own experience. Let’s say you have a favorite movie. Will you try to convince someone else they should like your favorite movie and make it their favorite, too?

Does your truth have to be their truth? Probably not, because you understand it’s personal, and your favorite does not have to be someone else’s favorite. And as long as they have their own favorite movie or no favorite at all, that’s all that matters.

2) Truth that is universal, non-negotiable, and applies to all. This is like the truth of knowing which side of the road to drive on or the truth that if you have a cure for what ails someone, you will share this cure with the person who needs to know.

You will because you understand that it’s important that people drive on the right side of the road.

And if someone is sick and you have the medicine they need, telling them, “Whatever you think will work is fine,” would be wrong. No, you would say, “I have what you need to make you better, and here it is.”

RELATED > > > > > Is There Objective Truth?

Spiritual Truth Doesn’t Exist and Can’t Be Known Claims

The same people who accept the two kinds of truth mentioned above, will turn around and say there is no way to know what is true regarding spiritual truth or the truth about God.

Others will say all ways are equally valid. But can that be? Can Jesus be both only a man, as Jews claim, and be the God-man, as Christians claim?

Can it be true that there is no personal god, as Buddhists say, and yet there is a personal God, as Christians claim?

No, these are diametrically opposed to each other. Both claims can’t be true.

In a world where the internet essentially breaks down all barriers, and more views and perspectives than you ever imagined are easily accessible, it’s no wonder people doubt or say it’s impossible to know what is true.

The sheer amount of different views and perspectives is mind-blowing. Therefore, much of the world makes these two claims: 1) objective, absolute truth does not exist, and 2) Even if it does exist, it can’t be known.

The first claim is an ontological argument. Ontology is the nature and essence of being. Therefore, all truth depends on one’s own personal perspective.

The second claim that truth, if it does exist, can’t be known is an epistemological issue. Epistemology is the nature of knowing or being able to know something. Some philosophers go as far as to question if knowledge is even possible.

Claims That Spiritual Truth Can’t Be Known Are Self-Refuting

But these claims are self-refuting.

First, by claiming that objective, absolute truth does not exist, you are claiming that what you say is an objective truth. You are saying there is at least one absolute truth.

If truth doesn’t exist, how do you know your claim that it doesn’t exist is true?

Second, if you say truth is a matter of one’s perspective, you are claiming this is true for everyone rather than saying only your perspective is true.

So, if someone believes absolute truth exists, how can you say they are wrong? That is their perspective.

Therefore, you have refuted your claim that truth is a matter of one’s own perspective.

And third, to claim that truth cannot be known is contradictory because you can’t possibly know what cannot be known.

One person says, “If certainty is impossible, how can we be certain that certainty is impossible?”

The Difference Between Knowledge and Belief

You can believe something to be true and be wrong, but you can’t technically know something is false.

Wikipedia says,

Whether someone’s belief is true is not a prerequisite for (its) belief. On the other hand, if something is actually known, then it categorically cannot be false. For example, if a person believes that a bridge is safe enough to support her, and attempts to cross it, but the bridge then collapses under her weight, it could be said that she believed that the bridge was safe but that her belief was mistaken. It would not be accurate to say that she knew that the bridge was safe, because plainly it was not. By contrast, if the bridge actually supported her weight, then the person might say that she had believed the bridge was safe, whereas now, after proving it to herself (by crossing it), she knows it was safe.

Four Possible Ways People Determine Truth

1) Pragmatic Way: whatever works for you. Someone might say, “I’m glad God works for you, but He doesn’t work for me.”

Pragmatism is an insufficient way of determining truth, though. Something may be true but not work for you, such as death or a diagnosis of cancer.

Or you may find something that works for you, such as getting away with telling a lie, but the lie will never be true.

2) Empirical Way: whatever can be experienced using the five senses. For example, someone may tell you, “I know it’s true because I experienced it myself.”

This way is also inadequate because two people may experience the same thing and come away with a different truth.

One person may tell you the experience of riding the roller coaster was exhilarating, and another person who rode the same roller coaster may walk away feeling dizzy and nauseous.

The empirical way reflects the first type of truth we discussed earlier (a matter of one’s perspective), but it is not a universal truth.

3) Emotive Way: however it feels. We all know our emotions can change on a dime, and what about people with irrational fears? Do their feelings reflect the truth?

It may be true for them, but it does not reflect reality. Our emotions cannot be trusted to tell us the truth.

And sometimes, emotions don’t apply to the truth. Such as me telling you I’m wearing a ring. You can see that it’s true, but most likely it won’t cause an emotion, unless it’s exciting news, as in me telling you, “I’m engaged!”

4) Correspondence Way: whatever is claimed corresponds with what is there. If you say it is and it is, or you say it isn’t, and it isn’t, then you speak the truth, but if you say it is and it isn’t, or it isn’t and it is, then what you say is not true.

If I tell you there is a chair in the next room, and we walk over to the next room, and there is a chair, what I said is true, but if we walk over to the room and there is no chair, then what I said is not true.

We use the correspondence way every day of our lives.

How Many Christians Determine Truth

Unfortunately, many Christians only use the first three ways to determine truth. Most Christians were either raised in the church or had an experience demonstrating to them that Christianity is true.

But so does every person on the planet who believes something about God, whether they be Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Jew, or Christian.

For example, I’ve met many Mormon missionaries. Most were raised in the church, but not all of them. Many have shared with me their testimony. Mormons place a high value on their experience of God. They have received healing and seen the miraculous. And they have all read the Book of Mormon and felt a “burning in their bosom,” as they say.

But Christians would say that the Mormon faith is not based on truth. Why? Because they believe differently? But what about their emotions, which have verified that they believe the truth?

Emotions, experience, or saying “Do what works for you,” are not good enough ways to determine the truth.

Christians need to do better at knowing why they believe what they do and defending their faith.

Final Thoughts

We talked about two kinds of truth that most people accept: Their own truth determined by their experiences and the universal truths that apply to everyone.

Some claim that spiritual truth doesn’t exist and can’t be known. But such claims are self-refuting.

It’s impossible to know something doesn’t exist, and saying it is so doesn’t make it true.

Nor can you say that truth is only someone’s perspective and then tell the person whose perspective it is that truth can be known that they are wrong.

People primarily determine truth in four ways: the pragmatic, empirical, emotive, and correspondence ways.

Christians are, unfortunately, susceptible to only using the first three ways. They need to be better at defending their faith and using logic and the fourth way whenever possible.



Does Truth Exist, and Can It Be Known? (podcast)

How Can We Share Truth With Mormons? (podcast)

Wikipedia: Epistemology

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