He has planted eternity in the human heart,
but even so, people cannot see the whole
scope of God’s work from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11b
If you are like me, living with eternity in view doesn’t come naturally.
I am caught up in my day-to-day living.
But what if living for eternity is about how you live your life now?
We’re not talking about comprehending it but living the way Scripture teaches a Christian to live.
What if it’s about being excited to meet Jesus someday because you are confident that you lived your life for Him while you were here?
What if, when reading the Bible, you have largely glossed over the references to living for eternity?
It’s there, but so easy to miss.
So, let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Why is it So Hard to Live for Eternity?
It is hard to live for eternity for many reasons. But it boils down to four things: fear, ignorance, apathy, or its mysteriousness. Some Christians are afraid of eternity because they can’t comprehend it and have no control over it. Others find it hard because they don’t know living for eternity is important or why. Third, many Christians just don’t care. They are so caught up in their lives here, and eternity seems far off. And frankly, unappealing, based on what they’ve been taught. Last, some think it’s too mysterious; why try since we can’t know?
1. We Are Fearful
People tend to fear what they don’t understand and can’t control.
Just the thought of eternity causes fear for some believers. They can’t get excited about living forever or receiving rewards because they are too afraid of the unknown aspect.
Others are afraid of death and can’t think about dying. Therefore, they can’t think about eternity either.
They may even know their fear is irrational based on what the Bible says, but they don’t know what to do.
One person who was afraid and often cried when thinking about the sheer magnitude of living forever learned to deal with her fear by:
- Choosing to believe what Scripture says. Romans 12:2 was particularly meaningful, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Renewing your mind is essential when it comes to fear.
- Adjusting her understanding of time. She now pictures eternity as an unbroken circle rather than an endless stretch of hours that have to be filled.
- Accepting that her mind was limited and she could not fully comprehend eternity. And, once again, choosing to believe what the Bible says. Eternal life is a gift from God (Romans 6:23), and God loves to give good gifts to His children (Matt 7:11). Therefore, eternity will be good, and fearing it is baseless and wrong.
I would add that our feelings or experiences are subjective and don’t reflect the objective truth found in the Bible. In other words, if Scripture tells us eternity is wonderful, then it is.
2. We Lack Understanding
Many Christians don’t understand what the Bible says about eternity. They aren’t necessarily afraid of it, but who has time to think about it? This life demands all our energy and consumes our attention.
Maybe someday we’ll pay more attention.
Or they don’t realize the Bible talks about it or how we live now affects the next life.
Sure, they know you have to acknowledge Jesus as Savior, and they have done that. But Too many Christians also don’t take the time to consider eternity or what the Bible says about the rewards that will be ours. Or that how we live now affects us forever.
The answer is to take some time and learn what Scripture says. The Bible says a lot about our future rewards and eternity. Sometimes, we gloss right over it because we aren’t thinking about it when we read. Often, people are only looking for what will help them now.
3. We Care More About This Life
Many Christians are too caught up in this life to even give the next one much thought. They have a general sense of life after death, and that heaven will be wonderful, but that’s where they stop.
Some don’t even think heaven sounds all that great based on what they’ve been taught. The idea of praising God forever seems long and maybe even a bit boring after a while. Or sitting on a cloud playing a harp is what some believers have been told.
Whatever the reason, eternity is not as interesting as the life they are living now. Or the future they think about in this life.
Again, the solution is to learn and believe what the Bible says. It doesn’t mean you can’t think about your life on earth, but it does help if you understand that the life you live now affects what your forever will be like.
4. We Think It is Too Mysterious
There is a mystery to eternity that God hasn’t revealed. He planted it in our hearts, and we can have an eternal perspective. We can be in awe of the One who is eternal and infinite and have a hope for eternal life after death.
We say things like, “I wish this night would never end,” or “I will love you forever.” We create infinity symbols or point out that a circle has no beginning or end. We accept that math goes backward and forwards into infinity.
However, eternity remains a mystery in many ways. And that mystery causes many Christians to throw up their hands, so to speak, and say something like, “We can’t know so why try?”
However, that attitude causes us to miss what Scripture does say.
What Does It Mean to Live For Eternity
The Bible repeatedly says things like, “The end is near, so live in such a way as if Christ were coming today.” Or, “Suffering produces a longing for heaven.”
Simply put, living for eternity is living our lives knowing this world is not our home.
We understand that how we live now will directly affect our lives in eternity. It’s called heavenly rewards.
The Bible talks a lot about the rewards we can work for in this life. However, it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
You may have been taught that Christians are to focus on living to please God and bring Him glory. While that is certainly biblical, what isn’t emphasized is that God wants to reward us (remember He loves to give good gifts to His children) In other words, it pleases God and brings Him glory when we live in ways that result in rewards.
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Final Thoughts
If you find it hard to live for eternity, I hope you are beginning to see that how you live now is directly linked to your eternal life.
Rather than fear it, be apathetic about it, or live in ignorance, embrace it.